Privacy Policy
Green Thomas are committed to protecting your privacy. We use the information we collect from you via the website to efficiently fulfill your order. We do not sell, trade or rent your information to any third party.

When you order, we need to know your name, e-mail address, delivery address, card billing address, credit or debit card number and expiry date. This allows us to process and fulfill your order.

We also ask for your telephone number enabling us to contact you should there be any issue with your order. For some international deliveries this number may be given to the courier company to assist delivery to you.

Information such as your postal address, email address and telephone number are stored on our website only to facilitate shipping and contact. We do not store any credit card data on our site.

Only if you agree, we may contact you with information relating to Green Thomas which may be of interest to you.

By using our website, you consent to the collection and use of this information by Green Thomas for the above-mentioned purposes only.

Our website makes use of cookies in only two ways.

Firstly cookies store information essential to the purchasing function of the website Shop, they allow use of the shopping cart, keeping a record of items in the cart for example, and thus enable efficient order fulfilment.

Secondly, cookies deliver the Google Analytics service. We use this analysis to help us improve the user experience and effectiveness of the website. These cookies are used to store information such as the time and length of visit, whether a visitor is new or returning, geographical location and the address of the site that referred the visitor to our web page. These cookies don’t contain personally identifiable information, but they will use your computer’s IP address.

Google stores the information collected by these cookies on it’s servers and may transfer this information to third-parties where required to do so by law, or where such third-parties process the information on Google’s behalf.

Credit Card Security
When an order is placed via our website the payment is processed using  using 256-bit SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encryption. We do not store or see any credit card information on system. All credit card transactions are processed using Pay Pal, which is one of the Worlds largest Internet payment service providers. It is impossible for any third party to examine, use or modify any information passed to the Pay Pal servers. 

Data Protection Act
Our data collection and storage is governed by the rules of the UK Data Protection Act and other associated legislation.

Changes to Privacy Policy
If we change our privacy policy, we will post these changes to the website thus informing users of changes to the information we collect. If you have any queries or concerns, please contact Green Thomas at